The traditional way of earning money has changed with the revolution of online marketing. You don’t need to sit on the chair and work for your boss for irritating 8 – 9 hours. Of course some of us love to work for our bosses. But the number is very minor. With online earning opportunities you can set your own hours of working and work from comfort of your home. The net is full of such offerings. One of them is
Pay Per Post. I discovered
payperpost on net by
Google. I have also signed up for some other programs to earn money online. But Pay Per Post is unique with its own features, I think so. When you Sign Up with Pay Per Post, you have to submit your blog or site for approval from
Pay Per Post (PPP) authorities. In order to start work with PPP your blog or site must qualify for the terms and conditions set by PPP. After approval you can choose from the opportunities present in PPP and set your hands on about what you want to write. With color coding you will understand what opportunities you are eligible for to write. Advertisers set some rules or qualities / categories for the sites on which they want their posting(s) should be shown. The price tag varies depending on the subjects or products and advertisers to advertisers. With some special links directing to the advertiser’s site / blog / product you have to post your article and submit your task. After approval of your task, you are paid by PPP.
If you think that you deserve more than what the advertiser is offering, you can set your own price with “Hire Me for $.....” tag. It is not only the best way to promote your self but it also helps advertisers to find you out with their budgets.
You are also paid by promoting PPP with
affiliate program. When you refer some other blogger or site owner to PPP, you are paid for every approved affiliate.
When you enter to your account on PPP you can see a special section “Blog of the Day”. I like this section the most, really. PPP lists blogs every day in this section. It helps to drive traffic to your site, boosting your online ranking and of course money. You can see directly to your account how much you have eared so far and with your efforts, learning and experience you can set your mind how much you want to earn more.
If you are a blogger and have any question you can find it out with
FAQ section. Like bloggers, for advertisers there is another
FAQ link. If you are not satisfied with the answers posted this section, you can shoot out an email to PPP helping desk and believe me your shout will not fall on deaf ears. PPP authorities are very helping and will suggest you what your next step should be. Whenever I have had any problem I have always been answered by Pay Per Post helping desk guiding me to the right direction.
Personally, to any blogger I will recommend to
join Pay Per Post who want to earn online for his / her writing.
Join Pay Per Post and you will loose nothing.